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Comic and immersive storytelling in virtual reality

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Comic and immersive storytelling in virtual reality

October 27th, 10.00AM - Viewconference 2016, Turin (Italy). Mitchell Broner Squire, Co-Founder & Business Manager of Oniride, introduces the talk of Fabio Corrirossi - head developer of the Italian startup Oniride - where he worked mainly dealing with VR.

Oniride works mainly on projects for museums and archaeological sites, but today they wants to show us their project of immersive comics using virtual reality devices.

The biggest problem (but also the great creative challenge) from the point of view of developing virtual reality applications is that today there are no rules yet; this is why, in recent months, Oniride developed their first “virtual comic”, initially for Android and also available today on Oculus Store.

They are concentrated in creating this type of product (comics VR) because the possibilities provided by virtual reality for storytelling are enormous; for this reason, they want to create a trend, a comics vr market and to push this idea they created their first product called “Magnetique”.

Technically, comics VR are not only 360° pages as we can saw in hundreds ways in the past as today, they had to develop a procedure, especially to communicate with the graphic artist to tell him how to draw their scenes, to let everything be in the proper perspective from the eyes of the VR viewer.

The application manages different layers to give a stereoscopic effect, although during the presentation it seemed that the implementation of the layers was not always used for comic Magnetique developed by them, but only sometimes (maybe to decreasing developing times).

Oniride did not want to create motion comics, but only and exclusively static comics in VR, possibly creating a new trend to use VR technologies

At the end of the talk they also give us some information about development costs:

Magnetique has cost € 2,000 per chapter, and they were made 10 chapters, for a total of about 70 minutes of content; the cost per minute is about of € 300. And the total cost is about € 20.000.

The idea of Oniride is to create a new content creation standards in virtual reality and attract new investors.

The future will give its verdict.

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